Ebtekar: I Asked Guardian Council to Approve a Woman

Masoumeh Ebtekar, the Vice President for Women’s and Family Affairs, said that she had written to the Secretary of the Guardian Council to approve a woman for the first time in Iran’s history. Referring to the Constitutional definition of a presidential candidate, Ebtekar said “I asked the Guardian Council to approve a woman among the candidates for the first time to help revive the country's social capital”.

Read more at Bartarinha

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“No Candidate Has Ever Been Rejected for Being a Woman”

Hadi Tahan-Nazif, the youngest member of the Guardian Council, said in an interview that no candidate has ever been rejected because of their gender. When pressed on the issue, Tahan-Nazif said “women have registered and been rejected because they did not qualify” adding that “if the Guardian Council had such a ban, it would have told the Interior Ministry not to register women”. Tahan-Nazif blamed the media for creating an issue around the approval of female candidates.

Read the interview at Etemad

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Molaverdi: We Are Fighting to Prove that Women are also Rajol-e Siasi

In commenting on Zahra Shojaei’s nomination for President, lawyer and Presidential advisor Shahindokht Molaverdi wrote on Instagram: “Unfortunately, in 1400 (2021), in the 21st century, we still see that being a man is considered a criterion for being human”. Molaverdi added that “the registration of Zahra Shojaei is a serious test for the Guardian Council; she is a political and religious figure (shakhsiyat-e siasi va mazhabi). Let women be among political people (rejal-e-siasi) andmen so that they can enjoy their most basic human right, which is the right to be elected”.

Read more at IMNA.

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